Monday, May 28, 2012

My weekend

147.2 :(
Which is funny because I feel much thinner today. But I guess it is reflective of my weekend. I wasn't totally bad in that I didn't pig out and eat large quantities (in fact I feel like I was quite in control of quantity, just not quality) but I guess it wasn't Dukan so that's what I get. I see the real problem here is my hubby + my poor resolve = bad Dukan day. Unfortunately he will never get on the diet boat with me and continually brings sweets, baked goods, donuts and ice cream into the house. Which is of course my weakness. I do relatively well resisting the carbs such as chips and pizza and whatnot (minus this weekend when I was starved and out with fam), but the creamy sugary treats are what I end up giving in to at the end of the day. Well today I am going to stock up on the ff Greek yogurt which will hopefully help me out. I hope I am not discouraging to anyone reading this and seeing my poor willpower... Well by tomorrow I hope little one and I should be at the tail end of our sickness, so I think we'll be able to make it back into the gym.
Chicken, red peppers, spring mix, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, pizza......
Tuna, chicken, cottage cheese, low fat Greek yogurt, ice cream.....


  1. Weekends are always hard. Don't be discouraged by the scale. It will go down if you keep at it!!!

    To avoid falling for tempting foods, make sure you are eating enough Dukan foods. If you're not actually hungry perhaps you won't need the sugary treats. Find yourself a Dukan treat that you look forward to.

    Good luck!

  2. Good advice, thank you! Yes my Dukan treat is ff Greek yogurt with Splenda and vanilla extract. Yes and the first time around I did stuff myself with Dukan foods and did much better resisting the treats. This time however my appetite is more normal and I haven't been overheating at all, which maybe why I have room and cravings left for the sugar. I did well yesterday though!
