Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ice cream returns

Is the scale broke? Can't beleive I didn't gain after my icecream... Boy it is so hard for me to get off the icecream. Something I saw on Dr. Oz sticks with me so maybe that's why I allow myself... It was something about hunters vs. gathers, and it turns out I am a hunter - hunters whole thing is they do better with protein vs. carbs, they may not be hungry for breakfast (which I never am) and should not force themselves to eat it, and they do better with some time spaced between their meals. Versus gathers who can eat carbs and do better grazing all day. So icecream is a good mix of fat and protein which would be an okay treat for hunters... At least that's what the Dr. Oz guy said.

Scramled eggs
Grilled chicken
Spoon of organic pb
NyQuil (of yes, another reason I allowed myself the icecream, figured since I was getting some sugar from this syrup mix a little more for enjoyment should be justified)

Today I will be happy to eat some veggies as I think I need the vitamins, since me and the little one are quite sick.


  1. Hey Lili, nice to find you... my advice... get that ice cream out of your house girl :-) sugar/white carbs only make you crave more of the same, which will make you cheat more and more! There are lots of alternatives out there. One of my faves when I need a sweet treat in the evening is a few spoons of cream cheese, a sprinkle of splenda and cinnamon... mix it all together. Yum!
    Will watch your progress. How old is your little one?

  2. Thnx for the suggestion, I'm going to try it! Little one is 18 months... :)
