Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dukan diet day 21

Well I am feeling rather discouraged. First came the weekend, with the combo of unexpected guests and my husband, and the non Dukan foods returned. So like I was worried, I did lose the zone I was in, which upsets me as it seemed such a painful and long time for me to get in it. I didn't weigh on Monday and had a good p day. Didn't weigh on Tuesday either, because was feel very bloated and heavy still and it's not "that" time. Had a good day but for whatever reason I still felt heavy, down and discouraged and succumbed to some icecream to make me feel better, which it did not. Now today I just feel like I want a break from Dukan. Not that I want to go back on the bread and pasta type carbs, but truly I want to eat some beans and lentils which I used to eat quite regularly, plus some blueberries. I feel overloaded with chicken and ff Greek yogurt, and as I ruined my results with other foods, I feel I ate all the Dukan foods for nothing. Now we are having extended family over this weekend, and I know I won't be able to follow Dukan again. Also feel overloaded with Splenda, as I can't seem to get over my desire for the sweet taste. Haven't eaten anything yet, so still not sure what I'll do, but I need to do something different... Perhaps I will try counting calories, or do a vegetarian day, I don't know. Yesterday:
Ff Greek yogurt, Splenda, cocoa
Salmon, mayo, horseradish
Ice cream
Walk 2.1 miles 30 min weights


  1. Try and push through these feelings... I've been there, it's hard but you can do it. FInd a eating lifestyle that you can commit to! Try stuffing yourself with more meat so you are less likely to want splenda. I've heard from others that artificial sweeteners often halt weight loss.

    Why can't eat Dukan while family is over? I just eat the meats and vege and leave everything else. They all ask questions of course but it's a good time to educate them about carbs and how they aren't good for us.
    Keep at it!!!! Tell yourself you can do it! A positive attitude is half the battle! Good luck. x

  2. Oh sweetie, you can do it! I have been there, I think we all have.

    Eat some steak, try out a Dukan recipe from an online blog or something so that you are trying some different food. I have a great recipe for "Shepherds Pie" that is REALLY REALLY YUMMY!

    Maybe make burgers over the weekend, but don't eat the bun. You can do it! Really! Don't be discouraged! The weight definitely comes off, you have followed for so long, you can't give up now!

    Weigh yourself tomorrow morning, stop cheating, get back on the bandwagon. We have all had those moments, you have to prove to yourself that you are strong by pushing through it and continuing on.

    It could be worse dear, right now on my bodybuilder diet all I eat all day is 12 almonds, a 1/4 cup of oats, 1/4 cup of quinoa, 2 eggs, 500ml of egg whites, a fillet of BASA fish, 3 asparagus tips, and a handful of broccoli (as well as my supplements.) That's it.

    Every day.

    Until November.

    Stuff yourself, make a roast and eat the whole thing. It will feel like you are indulging but you are indulging in good, allowed, Dukan foods. That's what I did the entire diet, just stuffed my face. I always felt like I was cheating, but in fact, I was dropping weight at a staggering pace (like 3 lbs a week)

    You can do it! See everyone elses results! If you just stick with it, it gets better, pass this hump!


    Keep us updated.

    This is such an easy diet compared to most. You can DO IT!!!!!! We are all rooting for you.

    Prawn has hit a 7 MONTH PLATEAU! This wont happen to you (until you lose like... 110 lbs LMAO), so you can beat this!


  3. Thank you both so much for the encouragement. I so appreciate it, it means a lot to me. The roast sounds appealing,I think I will consider that. Also I am going to look for some stevia and see if i can try that instead of the splenda. I will try to do meat and veg when the fam is here, but sometimes as you know you get in a situation where you have to publicly assert yourself and then start answering questions about your diet... And I am just not going there with my in laws, I'm just not strong enough for that battle.
