Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 2

Husband is not on board. Wow what a blow out too. Of his own volition said he wanted to start with me, then come 5pm all he was ranting about was donuts. I said fine, do you want to make you some rice with your chicken? And he says what?! You should be asking me if I want some cake with my donuts!! Clearly we both have major sugar addictions, it is surprising we are not more overweight. So he made it about 10 hours on the diet. I was good however, although it was hard and frustrating dealing with him.
Grilled chicken drumsticks
Tuna, cottage cheese, oregano, salt, pepper
Ff yogurt, Splenda, cocoa
Curried chicken with onions
Ff Greek yogurt, Splenda, vanilla
Also feel like I am eating too much diary on this diet. Want to try and cut that down. Maybe will make some sugar free Jello. Have a good day everyone :)

1 comment:

  1. Sucks that he is not on board. Hopefully when you start seeing solid results he will want to join on!

    Keep up the hard work, my grandmaman lost 70 lbs on Dukan while making my grandpapa non-Dukan dinner and dessert every night. You can do it!
